Announcement for parishes
We want to introduce you the Prayer Warriors Movement, a diocesan wide monthly prayer initiative to use communal prayer to turn back the tide on serious evils that exist, starting this month on the topic of Human trafficking and sex trafficking.
The Prayer Warrior Initiative was developed by people who wish to support, unify, collaborate, and be cohesive in responding to social injustices, charitable needs, spiritual destruction, and deterioration of faith that is happening in our midst!
The Prayer Warrior Movement wants to do this primarily through communal meditative prayer, and for those inspired by the monthly causes to become more engaged and active through our time, talent and resources, but primarily through active collaborative, organized Prayer!
The Blessed Mother says that "prayer has the power to change the forces of nature". It can stop wars!"
Our January Prayer Warrior Initiative is on sex trafficking!
Some facts you should know from the Wisconsin Justice Dept.
- 28,000 women and children were abducting or coerced last yr in Wis.,, 80% OF WHICH IS SEX TRAFFICKING
- Milwaukee is known as the pimp capital of the US – highly organized and even multigenerational
- Average age of a child coerced into the sex trade is 8-14 years old
- This is not just troubled teens and runaways - high academic students, athletes and cheerleaders being targeted, entrapped, coerced, and even kidnapped
What can you do?
Pray- Please pray for the next 7 days! pray for an end to this issue!
Pray as a family- One our father, one Hail Mary, and One Glory Be for 1 week
Join our morning Rosary Prayer on the Prayer Warrior Site at 6:00 am CST daily
Know that your prayers are being combined with others throughout the diocese and beyond!
Log on to to learn more about organizations fighting this issue and speaking events throughout the diocese to help you learn more.
Tour the library of resources to help you learn more about this issue and how you can recognize signs in your children, educate them and their friends so that you might prevent a possible abduction
Awareness is the best prevention
Tour the prayer library of suggested prayers and pray those that you feel will help fend off this evil
Tell your friends and family about the site and encourage them to participate
For you true Prayer warriors out there make a commitment to a 30 day prayer Novena to ask God to help end this horrific
It's time to reweave the broken fabric of the world through communal prayer
God listens to us, we just don’t talk to him anymore!
Thank you in advance for your participation in this worthy cause.
Download this information here.